“Using failures for success”. REALLY? Most people today go throughout life trying to avoid this thing called FAILURE. Growing up I was taught that failing or making a mistake determined if you were a capable person. I actually was made to feel that somehow my mistakes would prevent me from being successful. Unfortunately, many people struggle with this same mindset which often causes them to give up on their dreams or simply not try at all. This mentality can easily lead to other problems like low self-esteem, insecurity, isolation, depression, and anxiety. But as always, a mindset shift is all it takes to USING FAILURES FOR SUCCESS. In fact, this is the first and most important tip to get you back on the track for success.
Number 1: Allow yourself to look at the positive aspects of this failed event. Yes, it is difficult, but there is always something that can be learned from any experience. For example, you do not prep your meals or wardrobe the night before causing you to arrive hungry and late to an important work meeting. As a result, you lose the client account. The lessons learned here is always prepare the night before. Lesson one learned…check!
Number 2: Be compassionate with yourself. In other words, be mindful about how you speak to yourself after a failed incident, regardless of the situation. Instead of put downs, encourage yourself by using kind words and space to process what you can do to prevent similar experiences from taken place. Believe me, it will feel much better for yourself to hear “you are a strong intelligent individual capable of gaining other clients” versus “you are an idiot and you’ll never succeed at anything you do”. Since you are more likely to believe yourself, it is vital that you hear your own encouraging voice. Loving words will also increase a positive attitude with others and decreases depressive and anxious thoughts. Lesson two learned…check!
Number 3: Explore how you have grown from the experience. This is done by simply evaluating what you have learned and if any changes were made in your life since your failed experience. Keep in mind that no matter what happened, you have the ability to adjust aspects of your life such as your behavior and reaction to circumstances. Lesson three learned…check!
As you begin to practice these skills on a regular basis, you will not only recognize how much easier it is do but you will also grow more confident in yourself, have less failures, and increase success in your life. So give it a try today and expect great things to happen.