
Tis the season! Now that Thanksgiving has passed and we set our face toward the Christmas and holiday season, I have a question for you.

Is this the “happy” holidays?

During this time of year do you find yourself dreading it, embracing it or letting it sneak up on you unexpectedly?


I want to encourage you to embrace the magic of the season.


Even if this is a tough time of the year for you, it is okay to acknowledge that but is there any good you can find in a tough spot? Of course you can.


Let me show you how you can embrace the magic of the time.

It boils down to one word:

ADMIT (verb)

Admit can be defined as:

1). To confess to be true or to be the case typically with reluctance

2). To allow (someone) to enter a place


Whoa! Let’s unpack this. It is a simple message, but typically simple is the most powerful.


Admit is a verb.


That means it is a action word, something you put in motion. The powerful thing about action is it is one of the fundamental laws of science.


“Each action has an equal or opposite reaction.”


The verb admit, an action, has an equal or opposite reaction. Remember that.


Now let’s look at the definition of admit.

To confess to be true, typically with reluctance or to allow to enter a place.

These two definitions boil down to the following:

to share outwardly a reflection of what is within or to make space/ allowance for someone or something to enter in.

So which one do you need this holiday season?

Do you need to confess something to make space within? Or do you need to make allowance for something to enter in.

What do you need?

Do you need love? Do you need peace? Do you need joy?


Well, if you take on the action of admittance:

1). Acknowledge “confess” your pain, your frustration, your lack of love or lack of peace

2). And then ADMIT “make space for” what you want to receive


You can possess the very lovely mind, body + spirit gifts you need this season.

Take the action to admit today.

Take the action to let in, allow entry, permit, receive and welcome in new-fresh experiences.

This holiday season let the magic in. Create the very thing your soul craves.

You’ve always had the power. It all starts in the mind.