It’s really 2019, and if you’re like me you are wondering how the end of 2018 came to a rapid close? It was just Thanksgiving and just like that we are in another year.

If you follow me on social media (Instagram or Facebook), then you already know that I recommended focusing on the small goal instead of the typical laundry list of resolutions.

Start small in order to go BIG for 2019!

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

The same applies to your new year resolutions.

Let me pause here and say that resolutions are good. Having goals for the next 365 days is a wonderful way to move forward giving yourself sizeable goals to accomplish.

And by this time in 2020, you can reflect on the year 2019 and see all the victories you accomplished when you take it one day at a time, moment-by-moment, small victory by small victory.

It should also be stated that everyone’s “small victory” may be on different levels. For one “earn $1,000 more each month” is small for others it may be “$25 more every week.” No matter what it is pick something and then conquer it.

I want you to focus on this word all year long:


the process of transforming from an immature form to an adult; a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

Meditate on that word metamorphosis.

Here are some synonyms that you can also dwell on: transformation, change, alteration, conversion, modification, remodeling, reconstruction.

Right now pick up a pen and paper and write down seven “small” areas you want to transform in your life.

Here are some ideas to help jump-start you:

  • Smile more (Goal: more self-held joy + bliss)
  • Enjoy my partner’s company more (Goal: passionate love relationship)
  • Pray for 5 mins daily (Goal: deeper spiritual connection)
  • Walking during lunch (Goal: add more movement to my daily routine)

Take these small steps (remember the scale of what is small varies from person to person). Actually, write them down, take them from the mental (abstract) into the physical (written word). You may not notice but that very act, the act of writing something down is your first miracle in manifesting your victory. Now all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and start practicing smiling, enjoying your time with others, praying for 5 minutes (maybe on the drive home) and walking during lunch.

See how simple that can be?

Now, what if you consider goals such as these:

  • When a negative thought comes to mind, ask myself does this serve me? (Goal: check my thoughts)
  • Replace negative thoughts with its opposite – thoughts of joy (Goal: a more positive mindset)
  • Write down my bills, debts and other dreaded tasks (Goal: make it small, organize it and create an action plan)

I guarantee you if you make small sizeable goals and work at them daily you will reshape, renew and restore every area of your life.

You are the surfer on the surfboard, ride the wave.

Life can be tough, but you’ve got the bounce back that’s why you are reading this post. Don’t let life beat you. Talk to your situations, look them in the face and tell them who you are and practice your game plan.

Life has an interesting way of backing off relentless people, so be relentless and give it all you’ve got. Go for your dreams and goals and WIN!

You were born to win and you CAN WIN!

One day at a time, one new thought at a time you will overcome!