Have you ever been through a really low state, everyday feeling hopeless and angry about your situation? Could you possibly be depressed? Sometimes admitting or acknowledging those feels can be tough to do.The good news is that there is a sunny side to every shady mountain backside. Just over the hill sunshine is awaiting you. You will finally stand in the sun.
This is the purpose of this blog post. I wanted to share with you what will help you release the deep feelings of dissatisfaction and hopelessness depression may bring.
Releasing depression:
1). Professional and/or Spiritual revelation. You have to work with someone to support you in the effort to identify the root of your discomfort and depression. Professional support will aid you in addressing the deep-seated feelings of dissatisfaction. It will help you identify and understand where those emotions are coming from within you at your core.
2). Read this:
“I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my own life.”
These simple sentences will (if you let it) give you a crisp fresh wind of air. Fresh air may be exactly what you need to set you on the path of release and recovery.
Here is what I’ve realized. You have to release yourself from external pressures and fears. You have to release yourself from external expectations of the kind of love, money, career and family you should have. Release yourself from the following phrases “this is where I should be” and “this is what I should have”. Expectations you’ve taken on from your family, friends, society or your surroundings, which makes you unhappy. The truth is you are missing out on what you have today for your dissatisfaction of achieving where you think you should be. You have adapted these external expectations, and taken on deep internal dissatisfaction. The truth is you will always have something not yet achieved. It never goes away it just transforms and keeps evolving. So RELEASE yourself from the fear of never getting “there”. RELEASE yourself from the limiting mentality that your life is in lack because you’re not “there”.
Here is the truth:
Your journey is your journey. That’s the truth. Embrace your original path. Think about all the things you have accomplished thus far. The things you do have possession of. Set your attention on the things you can be grateful for that are already present in your life. For me, it’s the fact that I have a family that loves me, friends that support, I thriving career, good health, I woke up today breathing on my own (without medical help), I can walk, I am not experiencing physical pain, and I have a roof over my head. Don’t take things like this for granted. Some people do not have these. For someone out there what you already have is “there” for them. Someone can win with the hand you have.
Once I realized that, I could breathe and focus on the truth. The truth is not achieving “there” right now is no reason to be angry or feel hopeless. “There” takes time and in time all will be accomplished. The beautiful thing about life is sometimes it is the unplanned but still allows us to achieve the things we are believing for.
Your journey is unique and you do yourself a disservice attempting to rush it or make cookie-cutter experiences. Life is life. It’s challenging, it’s fun, and it’s full of both bold and bland experiences.
So fear and hopelessness be gone.
Speak this affirmation:
“Today, I release my old stale emotions. All feelings of fear and hopelessness be gone out of my life. My natural state of being is that of joy, ease and release. I embrace the reality that my life is in progress. I am not yet where I will be but I am not where I was. I am somewhere in between. I’ve accomplished so much thus far in my life and for that I am so very grateful. I am creating my life. I release my old emotions for restorative feelings of peace and ease. Today, I release to receive.”
Honor Your Emotions