There is likely an old Valentine that you have not given any attention to in quite some time. And deep down they really feel emotionally neglected by you or just a tad bit less important. This old Valentine is likely you, and I am specifically referring to self-care and self-love. Something that so many people on earth struggle to do every day.

Why do you ask?

Because we are often programmed to give most of our energy to things and people outside of ourselves and we forget to show ourselves the love and care we need. And self-care doesn’t have to be an elaborate day at the spa. I’m referring to simple things that we should be doing on a regular basis to show ourselves love like: eating healthy, maintaining good hygiene, engaging in regular exercise, relaxing, and having fun.

These are the fundamental activities necessary to providing yourself with love, care, and overall wellness. And in doing so you are literally helping yourself feel good in mind, body, and spirit. The less we prioritize time for ourselves to do so, we rob ourselves from becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Now, I do understand that self-care has become a little tricky due to COVID-19 but it’s not impossible to find ways to show yourself love daily. So below, I’ve provided you with some simple tips and suggestions you can implement in your life right now to help prioritize your self-care.

If you’re a parent and the idea of self-care seems like the days of the past, try putting your children to bed 1 hour earlier than usual, one day per week and use this time to take a hot bath.  Then put it on the calendar and repeat it on a weekly basis. You’ll thank me later.
Bring yourself out on a date (alone) and order take it at a restaurant that you love and eat it the car while listening to some good music.
Ask a friend or family member to watch your children for an entire day and stay a night at a hotel and relax.
Prepare a delicious lunch for yourself and enjoy it in the park.
Wear your favorite shoes, pants, dress, hat, purse, or whatever and take a short drive to no- where at all.
Play some music in the house and dance for as long as you like.
Call a good friend and talk about funny superficial things that make you laugh.

As you can see, self-care doesn’t require a lot of energy, money, or time. It’s more about understanding the importance of implementing it into your daily activities and then making it happen on a consistent basis.

Now give yourself permission to make it happen because you can have a healthy and happy life.

Honor Your Emotions is a therapy practice in Dublin, CA serving the East Bay Area including Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore and Danville.

Call (925) 577-4732 today for a free consultation!