How do you manage self-care?

Let’s get real for a second. It’s been tough. This year has had many ups and downs. How do you stay upbeat, positive, and feeling good when there is so much negativity crossing your eyes, ears, and perhaps even in your conversation?

Exercise, laughing, getting a massage, doing something therapeutic, listening to music are all mood enhancers and can help you shift the energy from negative to positive. This can help you get positive images and news across your eyes and ears. But what about your conversation?

Have you ever thought to use positive affirmations as self-care?

Now I can already hear you saying that you don’t have the time. I get it. Sometimes it feels like we are busier now than before. Your days are very full, and you may feel you simply don’t have time to pamper ourselves. Besides, with so many other things to do, self-care sometimes feels like an indulgence, or worse, a selfish act.

But the truth is you can not give to anyone else (nor yourself) from an empty cup.

Affirmations as self-care can be simply described as: self-compassion, self-kind, and self-aware self-talk. This means recognizing and accepting negative feelings and replace them with healthier thoughts that feel good.

The key here is “accepting negative feelings”. If you feel bad about your weight and overall health. Accept and acknowledge that first. Then tell yourself, “I will not beat myself up for my appearance. My weight and health are changeable, not fixed. I am empowered with my breath, my legs, and my will to change my reality.” Your next step is to create an action that is in alignment with your thoughts. If you think empowered thoughts and feel empowered emotions you will find taking actions towards your goals that much easier. Don’t rule out highering a professional to keep you accountable.

Research shows have found compassionate self-talk (affirmations) can actually motivate you to improve yourself. So easy up on yourself. Love yourself more. Think well of yourself. Love yourself deeper. There is no need for denial but there is an increased need of compassion.

Positive affirmation is all about balance, not perfect. And there are many ways to get balance: Sticky notes around the house, recording affirmations on your phone and playing them before bed, meditation, psychotherapy, uplifting your friends, spouses, partners, parents, and even your children.

Honestly, what the world needs more of is compassion. So start with yourself. Love yourself. Use your words to speak loving and positive affirmations over yourself. Think well of yourself, and build yourself up.

And if you don’t hear it today, “I love you.” Feel free to repeat that to yourself. Say out loud “I love you (insert your name)”.