A recent study proved that family counseling improved relationships and bettered the behavior of children. Therefore, if your family is struggling with strained relationships, personality clashes, etc., family therapy may help solve these issues.

However, it’s common for at least some members of your family to feel uncomfortable before the first therapy session. Some members may have a negative bias against therapy. Other members, children especially, may just feel nervous about stepping into the unknown.

If you feel your family may run into these issues, read on. This article will explain how the first session should go. You can share it with other family members and ease any negative feelings.

Related: Family Counseling & Therapy Services

Figure Out the Problem

The first goal of the family therapist is to figure out the family’s problems. To do that, he or she will ask the family members questions. While the therapist does this, he or she should remain empathetic and not judgmental of each member’s problems.

Sometimes, the therapist may ask to speak with certain family members individually. This can help the chosen family member answer questions without any fear of judgment.

One thing the therapist will look for is any incidents that may have caused divisions in the family. He or she may also search for current unhealthy behaviors within the family that may be causing tension.

Give Some Insight

Once the therapist has identified some issues, he or she should share these findings with the family. Without any blame, he or she will identify any behaviors, beliefs, etc. that may be straining the family’s relationships. The counselor will also explain how these behaviors can damage the physical and mental health of individual family members and the family as a whole.

Often, the counselor will also talk about some positives about the family’s behavior. This can help soften the blow of any negatives and provide the family with the hope that things can get better. He or she may compliment the family about their willingness to get help for their problems, for example.

Create a Plan

Towards the end of the family counseling session, the therapist will start to create a treatment plan. He or she will make some suggestions for goals and paths. However, it will ultimately be up to the family to decide what they wish to do.

Once this is agreed upon, the therapist should assign homework. Each family should have a task to do throughout the next week that will help him or her better himself or herself.

For Quality Family Counseling, Hire Our Services

As you can see, the first family counseling session shouldn’t be too complicated or harsh. As long as the family members follow the directions of the therapist, everything should work out fine.

Also, if you are in the vicinity of Dublin, CA, and need couples, family, mental health, or individual therapy, consider our services.

Our team of highly experienced and licensed mental health professionals is dedicated to helping patients take back their lives. Contact us today for a free 15-minute consultation!

Honor Your Emotions provides professional counseling & therapy in Dublin, CA and serves the East Bay Area including Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore and Danville.

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