1 in 6 Americans entered therapy for the first time in 2020. Seeking counseling is getting more socially acceptable every year as more and more people learn about the importance of good mental health.

Are you ready to start individual counseling?

Many people aren’t yet convinced of the benefits of counseling, but we’re here to talk you through them. Keep reading to learn all about how individual counseling can make you a better you.

Learning Coping Mechanisms

One of the best things about counseling is that a good counselor will teach you how to handle stress, triggers, and anxiety on your own. While many people think that the majority of the work happens when you’re in the therapist’s office, this isn’t true. The majority of the work is up to you; the therapist just gives you the right tools for the job.

Your counselor will work together with you to develop a treatment plan that works for your specific situation. Based on that treatment plan, they’ll help you with specific coping mechanisms based on how you react to stress and where that stress usually occurs.

You’ll be able to use those coping skills for the rest of your life, even when you’re no longer in therapy.

A Neutral (But Helpful) Party

Many of us accidentally use our friends and family members as “therapists.” While it’s great to seek support from your loved ones, this puts a lot of pressure on them. Your friends and family members also aren’t neutral, so you might never get to see the “big picture.”

Counselors are neutral parties. While they’re there to help you, they can also present unique perspectives based on their own experience with other people and their education.

Improved Relationships With Others

The benefits of counseling extend beyond you. Counseling will also help you develop and maintain healthy relationships with other people.

Counselors can teach you what healthy relationships look like so you can identify negative ones in your own life. They can also teach you how to set, maintain, and respect boundaries between yourself and others (and boundaries are essential for every type of relationship).

You can even learn how to set boundaries at work or at school so you can improve your work/life balance.

Better Overall Mental Well-Being

The primary reason that people start seeking counseling is that something is amiss with their mental health. Even if you don’t have a diagnosed mental health condition, a counselor will help you get yourself back on track so you can feel great again.

Your mental health is tied to your physical health. When you’re feeling better mentally, you’ll feel better physically. You’ll sleep better, you’ll have an easier time releasing tension, and you’ll have more motivation to exercise and eat well.

Is Individual Counseling Right for You?

If you’re already wondering when to get individual counseling, this is your sign that you’re ready. Going to counseling will give you a neutral party to talk to, improve your relationships with others, teach you coping mechanisms, and overall improve your well-being.

You deserve to feel better.

At Honor Your Emotions, we aim to provide expert mental health care to all of our patients. Contact us to start your healing journey today.

Honor Your Emotions is a therapy practice in Dublin, CA serving the East Bay Area including Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore and Danville.

Call (925) 577-4732 today for a free consultation!