We’ve all felt overwhelmed at one time or another. Life-changing events, shocking news stories, and more can all be catalysts for feeling this way. But if you’ve noticed that you’re feeling overwhelmed more often, it might be time to seek individual counseling.

Especially if it’s struggling to focus, make decisions, or cope with everyday life. Keep reading to find out how therapy can help you break through and lead a fulfilling life once again.

Identify the Root of the Problem

Feeling overwhelmed is a normal reaction to having too many things on your plate. Single parents are especially at risk, as are people with chronic illnesses and those caring for relatives. But more transitory events, such as loss, financial problems, or relationship issues can add to the load.

That said, the intensity of your feelings and the exact causes can vary from individual to individual. There’s also the possibility that, for whatever reason, you’re no longer able to juggle as many things as you used to without repercussions. A counselor can help you get to the root of the problem by unraveling some of the potential contributing factors.

Recognize Your Emotions

Depression and anxiety are negative emotional states. Feeling overwhelmed, though, isn’t quite so clear-cut.

For example, after having a baby, you could feel overwhelmed with all kinds of positive and negative emotions, from joy and love to guilt and anxiety. You might also feel inundated with new responsibilities and tasks.

Talking things through with a therapist can help you make sense of this confusion. You’ll also be able to see that, while this is a happy event, it may have brought the symptoms of an anxiety disorder or depression to light.

Gain Clarity

One of the reasons that journaling boosts your mental health and emotional well-being is due to how it helps you sort through your thoughts. In the same way, vocalizing your problems in therapy sessions can make you feel less overwhelmed.

Describing your feelings, talking through your experiences, and sharing whatever’s going on inside can start to provide the sense of clarity you’re lacking. From there, you and your therapist can work together to establish new, clearer perceptions.

Learn Coping Mechanisms

Feeling overwhelmed can be debilitating because of the way it brings life to a halt through indecision and self-doubt. One of the main benefits of individual counseling is the way it can help you develop coping mechanisms for the future.

Coping skills for those feeling overwhelmed often revolve around learning how to honor your emotions and deal with them accordingly. Practical strategies that can help include identifying triggers, practicing mindfulness, and delegating tasks.

Getting Help When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

When things get too much for you and it feels like you can’t cope, individual counseling can offer a solution.

Remember, feeling overwhelmed from time to time is all part of being human. But it’s also human to need help with problems that feel too big to solve on your own.

Looking for therapy services to help you make sense of your feelings? Contact us here at Honor Your Emotions to find out more information or to book an appointment.